Problems from Classification and properties of the triangles

Consider a few triangles with the following characteristics, categorize them according to their number of sides and of angles:

  1. Triangle with three interior angles of less than $$90^\circ$$ and with three equal sides.
  2. Triangle with an interior angle higher than $$90^\circ$$ and two equal sides.
  3. Triangle with an angle of $$90^\circ$$ and three different sides.
  4. Triangle with an angle of $$90^\circ$$ and two equal sides.
  5. Triangle with an angle of less than 90º and two equal sides.
  6. Triangle with an interior angle higher than $$90^\circ$$ and two equal sides.
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Theoretical exercise.


  1. Acute angled equilateral.
  2. Obtuse angled isosceles.
  3. Rectangular scalene.
  4. Rectangular Isosceles.
  5. Acute angled isosceles.
  6. Obtuse angled isosceles.
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