Look at for the divisors of the numbers $$35, 22, 10$$ and $$42$$.
$$35 \div 1=35 \\ 35 \div 5=7 \\ 35 \div 7=5 \\ 35 \div 35=1$$
$$22 \div 1=22 \\ 22 \div 2=11 \\ 22 \div 11=2 \\ 22 \div 22=1$$
$$10 \div 1=10 \\ 10 \div 2=5 \\ 10 \div 5=2 \\ 10 \div 10=1$$
$$42 \div 1=42 \\ 42 \div 2=24 \\ 42 \div 3=14 \\ 42 \div 6=7 \\ 42 \div 7=6 \\ 42 \div 14=3 \\ 42 \div 24=2 \\ 42 \div 42=1$$
The divisors of $$35$$ are the following numbers: $$1, 4, 7$$ and $$35$$.
The divisors of $$22$$ are the following numbers: $$1, 2, 11, 22$$.
The divisors of $$10$$ are the following numbers: $$1, 2, 5, 10$$.
The divisors of $$42$$ are the following numbers: $$1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 14, 24$$ and $$42$$.