Decimal expression of rational numbers

Any rational number can be expressed in decimal base. This expression is, in a colloquial way, what most the people understand by a number with a comma.

Let's explain it with the following example,

$$\dfrac{1}{2}$$ can be written as $$0,5$$.

And then we read zero comma five instead of a half.

This expression is useful if we are referring, for example, to a price or a length, where it is necessary to get the idea of the value of the rational number.

This expression in decimal base is not always exact, for example $$\dfrac{1}{3}=0,33333\ldots$$ and we should write an infinite number of $$3$$, which would take too much time. In this case we will say that the result is a zero comma three repeating.

Whenever we say repeating, we mean that the number must be repeated infinite times.

We write it putting a bar on the repeating number, for example $$\dfrac{1}{3}=0,\widehat{3}$$.

The repeating decimal does not necessatry involve all the numbers behind the comma. The repeating can also be a number of more than one figure. For example $$$\dfrac{1}{55}=0,018181818\ldots=0,0\widehat{18}$$$

In this case the repeating is $$18$$ and the zero does not belong to it. We should read zero comma zero with repeating eighteen.

Given a number with repeating we can recover the expression as quotient using the following procedure.

$$a$$ is corresponding to the number whose comma and repeating numbers we want to remove. $$b$$ is the number to which we have to add the digits of the repeating number $$a$$. Let's say, also, that the decimal part that does not belong to the repeating has $$m$$ numbers and that the repeating itself has $$n$$ numbers. Then, our decimal expression corresponds to the quotient of $$b-a$$ for the number with $$n$$ nines followed by $$m$$ zeros.

It is easier to understand with some examples. Let's see that the expressions of the past examples have a correspondance with a rational number.

For the expression $$0,\widehat{3}$$, according to our notation; $$a=0,b=3,m=0$$ and $$n=1$$. And it corresponds to the quotient


For the expression $$0,0\widehat{18}$$, according to our notation: $$a=0,b=018,m=1$$ and $$n=2$$. And it corresponds to the quotient


For the expression $$0,12\widehat{34}$$, according to our notation: $$a=12,b=1234,m=2$$ and $$n=2$$. And it corresponds to the quotient


We can verify that the decimal expression corresponds to the original expression.

Now, we can study the rational numbers through their decimal expression. And this decimal expression is a digits sequence. We have studied that rational numbers have a correspondence with the sequences of digits that, at the end, are repeating.