Derivative of a constant function

To understand the meaning of a derivative is not easy, but to know how to take derivatives is not difficult. The best way of learning it is, obviously, through practice.

The following table contains a few functions f(x) in the first column and its derivatives f(x) in the second one. Look at it and try to complete it:

f(x) f(x)
1 0
5 0
230 0
0,76 0
A 0
N ?
3B ?


Note that in all the cases the derivative is zero. The derivative of a constant function is zero, irrespective of the constant. In the last examples, you have seen that f(x)=A, f(x)=N and f(x)=3B. In all of them the parameter that is changing, x, does not appear, thus the derivative will always be zero.