Problems from Independent event

The owner of a casino fakes two dices so that in dice $$A$$ we can never get a $$6$$ (and get twice as many ones), and in dice $$B$$ we never get a $$5$$ (and twice as many twos).

result dice A probability
$$1$$ ?
$$2$$ ?
$$3$$ $$1/6$$
$$4$$ ?
$$5$$ ?
$$6$$ 0
result dice B probability
$$1$$ ?
$$2$$ ?
$$3$$ $$1/6$$
$$4$$ ?
$$5$$ ?
$$6$$ ?
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  • The impossible events have zero probability $$(A=6, B=5)$$. As we are been told, there is twice the probability of observing events $$A=1$$ and $$B=2$$ (probability $$2/6$$):
result dice A probability
$$1$$ $$2/6$$
$$2$$ $$1/6$$
$$3$$ $$1/6$$
$$4$$ $$1/6$$
$$5$$ $$1/6$$
$$6$$ $$0$$
result dice B probability
$$1$$ $$1/6$$
$$2$$ $$2/6$$
$$3$$ $$1/6$$
$$4$$ $$1/6$$
$$5$$ $$0$$
$$6$$ $$1/6$$
  • Since the dice are independent, probabilities of the events are multiplied:

$$P(A=1 \ \& \ B=3) = \Big(\dfrac{2}{6}\Big) \cdot \Big(\dfrac{1}{6}\Big) =\dfrac{1}{18}$$

  • Since it is impossible to observe $$A=6$$, the probability will be zero.

$$P(A=6 \ \& \ B=2) = 0 \cdot \Big(\dfrac{2}{6}\Big) =0$$


result dice A probability
$$1$$ $$2/6$$
$$2$$ $$1/6$$
$$3$$ $$1/6$$
$$4$$ $$1/6$$
$$5$$ $$1/6$$
$$6$$ $$0$$
result dice B probability
$$1$$ $$1/6$$
$$2$$ $$2/6$$
$$3$$ $$1/6$$
$$4$$ $$1/6$$
$$5$$ $$0$$
$$6$$ $$1/6$$

$$P(A=1 \ \& \ B=3) = \Big(\dfrac{2}{6}\Big) \cdot \Big(\dfrac{1}{6}\Big) =\dfrac{1}{18}$$

$$P(A=6 \ \& \ B=2) = 0 \cdot \Big(\dfrac{2}{6}\Big) =0$$

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