We can interpret the percentage as an application of direct proportion, which is only a rule of three in which one of the terms is
In the IX Session,
To solve the exercise it will be necessary to compare the entire number of deputies with
So, if
The relation converted into fractions will be:
Ormore directly we apply the rule of three for direct proportionality:
Rounding, we could say that
To calculate the percentage of men there are two options. The less direct is to calculate the number of male deputies from the information in the exercise and to raise another rule of three to see what percentage the above mentioned number represents.
The most direct option consists of reducing the percentage of women to
And the fact is that a number expressed in percentage indicates a certain quantity for every
There is another type of problem in which the percentage is known, but another type of fact needs to be computed: a price, for instance.
In an electronics shop we can find a MP4 player at
It is necessary to find out how many euros represents
So, if
Or what it is the same:
The result we get has to be added to the price offered to obtain the final price of the product:
In these cases in which there is a percentage of increase in the price of a product, it is possible to calculate directly the final price with the following relation:
In which
If the relation is applied to the previous problem the final price of the MP4 is obtained by:
It is necessary to highlight that the expression in brackets represents the percentage of the initial number, so that in case of a price increase, as in the present exercise, we will have to add to the initial price, but in case of a reduction we will have to subtract.
A shop of sports clothes offers
Again, the exercise can be solved by means of a rule of three or applying the relation explained. We will begin with the first case:
Since it is a question of a discount, the obtained number will have to be substracted from the initial price to obtain the discounted final price:
We get the same result by applying the relation indicated previously, but in this case, instead of adding the expression in brackets, we will have to subtract it since it is a question of a reduction, not of an increase:
Finally, we'd emphasize that it is necessary to be aware of percentages. It is necessary to know what is the total number that it applies to, otherwise we run the risk of making mistakes easily.
A computers shop wants to gain
A quite common mistake would be to add
But: how much is
Once the shop has given the
The computer seller has considered the
So that
Expressed in fractions we have:
Now, once the
Thus obtained is the