Problems from Problems with linear equations

Write three different statements that should be solved by the following equation: $$$x-9=\dfrac{x}{2}$$$

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First we solve the equation: $$$x-\dfrac{x}{2}=9 \Rightarrow \dfrac{2x-2}{2}=9 \Rightarrow \dfrac{x}{2}=9 \Rightarrow x=9\cdot2=18 $$$

Then, the first statement is direct if it expresses the relation that the equation denotes with words:

If $$9$$ is subtracted from a number, its half is obtained: what is this number?

An alternative statement might be transforming the number into candies, so that:

How many candies does Irene have if, once she has eaten $$9$$, she still has half the candies she originally had?

The equation is also valid for this statement since $$x-9$$ is the amount of candies that she has after eating up $$9$$ and $$\dfrac{x}{2}$$ are those that she has left in the end.

Also, an age statement might be written:

How old is Peter if $$9$$ years ago he was half the age that he is now?

If $$x$$ is the current age, $$x-9$$ is the age $$9$$ years ago, and $$\dfrac{x}{2}$$ half of its current age, therefore the equation is valid and Peter is $$18$$ years old.


If $$9$$ is subtracted from a number, its half is obtained: what is this number?

How many candies does Irene have if, once she has eaten $$9$$, she still has half the candies she had?

How old is Peter if $$9$$ years ago he was half the age that he is now?

Among many other possibilities.

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