The range is the difference between the highest and lowest value of a set of data. In a certain way, we may consider as the same concept as the domain of a continuous function.
The Human Development Index (HDI) measures the developedment ofa country regarding several parameters. The following table shows the ranking of HDI of the countries of the European Union:
Country | Ranking HDI |
Germany | $$23$$ |
Austria | $$15$$ |
Belgium | $$17$$ |
Bulgaria | $$53$$ |
Cyprus | $$28$$ |
Denmark | $$14$$ |
Slovakia | $$42$$ |
Slovenia | $$27$$ |
Spain | $$13$$ |
Estonia | $$44$$ |
Finland | $$11$$ |
France | $$10$$ |
Greece | $$24$$ |
Hungary | $$36$$ |
Ireland | $$5$$ |
Italy | $$20$$ |
Latvia | $$43$$ |
Lithuania | $$45$$ |
Luxembourg | $$18$$ |
Malta | $$34$$ |
Netherlands | $$9$$ |
Poland | $$37$$ |
Portugal | $$29$$ |
The United Kingdom | $$16$$ |
Czech Republic | $$32$$ |
Romania | $$60$$ |
Sweden | $$6$$ |
The country with the highest position in the ranking is Ireland (the fifth one), while the lowest is Romania in the position $$60$$.
And so, the range of this scoring is:
$$60-5 = 55$$ positions.