Definition and classification of polynomials

When we multiply a number (coefficient) for an unknown (variable) is a monomial. But what if we add instead of multiply?

$$$x^6+10$$$ $$$x+1$$$

What happens when we add monomials that are similar? and if we subtract them?

When we join not similar monomials by adding or subtracting them we get a polynomial.

$$$2x^2+x-1$$$ that is the result of adding the monomials $$2x^2$$ and $$x$$, and subtracting the monomial $$1$$.

Or $$$3x^5-x^2+x-5$$$ that is the result of adding the monomials $$3x^5$$ and $$x$$, and subtracting the monomials $$x^2$$ and $$5$$.

In mathematics, to call polynomials we use one letter followed by a parenthesis with the variable (or variables, separated by commas). So the above examples would be:

$$p(x)=2x^2+x-1$$ and $$q(x)=3x^5-x^2+x-5$$

If there is more than one variable, as we said:




Be careful in the way we represent polynomials because it is easy to make notation mistakes.

$$q(x,y)=3x^2y+4x$$, $$q(x)=3x^2y+4x$$

In the first polynomial, "$$y$$" acts as a variable. However, in the second, the "$$y$$" is a coefficient (which value is $$y$$, a number that we don't know a priori).

So they are two different polynomials (For example, the first one has degree $$3$$ and the second one has degree $$2$$).

Now, using as an example the polynomial $$p(x)=2x^2+x-1$$, we define the following characteristics of a polynomial:

  • Variable/s of the polynomial: unknown or unknowns that we find in the polynomial. In the polynomial $$p(x), x$$.

  • Degree of the polynomial: the greatest exponent of all monomials which has the polynomial. In our example $$max\{2,1,0\}=2$$

  • Leading coefficient: the coefficient of the monomial which has the higher degree. In our case, $$2$$.

  • Independent term: the coefficient of the monomial with exponent zero. If there is no such monomial then is equal to $$0$$. In our case, it is $$-1$$.

Classification of polynomials

We can categorize the polynomials according to their characteristics.

Classification of polynomials according to their degree

  • Degree zero: They are coefficients. $$$q(x)=-1$$$ $$$q(x)=\dfrac{1}{2}$$$
  • The first degree: $$$q(x)=x-1$$$ $$$q(y)=3y-\dfrac{3}{4}$$$ $$$p(y)=\dfrac{y}{2}+\dfrac{1}{4}$$$
  • The second degree: $$$p(z)=z^2+3z-9$$$ $$$p(x)=\dfrac{x^2}{3}+2x$$$ $$$q(z)=z^2-\dfrac{10}{3}$$$
  • Third degree: $$$r(t)=t^3+t^2+1$$$ $$$p(t)=\dfrac{t^3}{4}+\dfrac{t^2}{2}-t+10$$$ $$$q(x)=x^3-\dfrac{1}{4}$$$

And, in this way, we might continue to the number that we need.

Classification of polynomials according to their coefficients

  • Finished polynomial: it has all the coefficients other than zero. $$$p(x)=x^3+x^2+x+1$$$ $$$p(x,y)=2x^2+y^2-xy+x+y-\dfrac{1}{3}$$$ $$$r(t)=t^2-4t+9$$$
  • Incomplete polynomial: it has some coefficient which value is zero. $$$p(x)=x^3+x+1$$$ $$$p(x,y)=2x^2+y^2+x+y-\dfrac{1}{3}$$$ $$$r(t)=t^2-4t$$$
  • Null polynomial: all its coefficient are equal to zero. $$$p(x)=0$$$

Classification of polynomials according to the degrees of their monomials

  • Ordered polynomial: the monomials are written from greater to lesser degree. $$$p(x)=x^4+x^3+x^2+x+1$$$ $$$q(x)=x^6+x^4+x^2+x+1$$$ $$$r(x)=x^{100}+x^2+2x$$$
  • Homogeneous polynomial: all their monomials have the same degree. $$$p(x)=2x$$$ $$$p(x,y)=3x^2y+4x^3+2xy^2$$$ $$$p(x,y)=\dfrac{xy}{2}+x^2+y^2$$$
  • Heterogeneous polynomial: not all their monomials have the same degree. $$$p(x)=2x-1$$$ $$$p(x,y)=3x^2y+4x^3+2xy^2$$$ $$$p(x,y)=\dfrac{xy}{2}+x^2y+y^2$$$
  • Equal polynomials. They are those which satisfy the next conditions:
    • They have the same degree.
    • The coefficients of the monomials of the same degree are equal. $$$p(x)=3x^2+1$$$ $$$q(x)=1+3x^2$$$ $$$p(x,y)=xy+4x-1$$$ $$$q(y,x)=-1+4x+yx$$$