Problems from Definition and classification of polynomials

Sort the following polynomials, specifie their degree and find out if they are finished and/or homogeneous:

  1. $$p(x)=3x-3x^2+1+x^4$$
  2. $$q(x,y)=3xy-3x^2-4y^2$$
  3. $$r(x,y)=10-x-xy-x^2-\dfrac{2}{5}y^2+y$$
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1) Ordered: No, an element of degree 1 $$(3x)$$ is placed before an element of degree 2 $$(-3x^2)$$.

Degree: $$max\{1,2,0,4\}$$.

Completed: Degree elements $$1,2,0,4$$ exist.

Homogeneous: We can find different degree elements.

2) Ordered: Yes, every element has degree $$2$$.

Degree: $$max\{2,2,2\}$$.

Completed: We can only find elements of degree $$2$$.

Homogeneous: All the elements have the same degree .

3) Ordered: No, there is an element of degree zero $$(10)$$ that is placed before an element of degree one $$(-x)$$.

Degree: $$max\{0,1,2,2,2,1\}$$.

Completed: There are elements of degree $$1,2,0$$.

Homogeneous: There are elements of different degree .


1) The ordered polynomial would be $$p(x)=x^4-3x^2+3x+1$$

Degree: $$4$$

Completed: No. An element of degree $$3$$ is missing.

Homogeneous: No.

2) Ordered: Yes

Degree: $$2$$

Completed: No. Elements of degree $$1$$ and $$0$$ are missing.

Homogeneous: Yes.

3) The ordered polynomial would be $$r(x,y)=-xy-x^2-\dfrac{2}{5}y^2-x+y+10$$

Degree: $$2$$

Completed: Yes.

Homogeneous: No.

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