Gradient of a scalar field, divergence and rotational of a vector field

Gradient of a scalar field

Let f:UR3R be a scalar field and let fx,fy,fz be the partial derivatives of f (that is, the derivative with respect to one variable maintaining the others as constants). Then, the gradient of f is: grad(f)=(fx,fy,fz)

Let's observe that the gradient of f is a vector, although f is a scalar field. It is necessary to bear in mind that:

  • The gradient points in the direction in which the directional derivative of the function f is maximum, and its module at a given point is the value of this directional derivative at this point.
  • It is zero in the inflection points of the function f.
  • The gradient converts a scalar field into a vector field.


  • f(x,y,z)=x2yz3x


  • f(x,y,z)=xsin(y)e5z


  • f(x,y,z)=x2+y2+z2


Divergence of a vector field

Let F:UR3R3,F=(F1,F2,F3) be a vector field. Then, the divergence of F is: div(F)=xF1+yF2+zF3


  • F(x,y,z)=(x3y,2zsinx,cosz)


  • F(x,y,z)=(2xy,ysinz+y2+z,cosz)



The divergence converts a vector vectorial into a scalar field.

Rotational of a vectorial field

Let F:UR3R3,F=(F1,F2,F3) be a vector field. Then, the rotational of F is: rot(F)=(F3yF2z,F1zF3x,F2xF1y) or it is also possible to calculate as the following determinant, (bearing in mind that i,j,k are the coordinates to which they correspond): |ijkxyzF1F2F3|


F(x,y,z)=(4xey,xlnz,y) rot(F)=((y)y(xlnz)z,(4xey)z(y)x,(xlnz)x(4xey)y) =(1xz,00,lnz4xey)

Properties of the gradient, divergence and rotational

If f is a scalar field and F a vector field, then it is always true that

  1. rot(grad(f))=0
  2. div(rot(F))=0
  3. rot(fF)=grad(f)×F+frot(f)
  4. div(fF)=fdiv(F)+grad(f)F

where is the scalar product and × the vector product.